On October 15th, we released EasyApache 3.23.3, which included an upgrade to Apache 2.4.17. After the release, we observed that REDIRECT_URL changed to serve a full URL rather than a relative URL or file path, and that mod_autoindex caused issues with Fusion Passenger.
While some application developers have updated their applications and plugins to account for the changes, we feel that the best route for EasyApache is to revert Apache to version 2.4.16 then rerelease version 2.4.17 after Apache implements upstream fixes. As a result, we plan to release Apache 3.32.4 today, October 27th, with a reversion of Apache to version 2.4.16.
If you are have any issues with REDIRECT_URL or mod_rewrite, we recommend that you run EasyApache and downgrade to Apache 2.4.16. Note that if you downgrade to 2.4.16, the system will remove the http2 and associated modules from the Apache stack. While cPanel does not officially support http2 yet, we know that some of our customers have been tinkering with it, and we wanted to be sure that you are aware of the implications of a reversion.
Once Apache releases a fix for the major issues, we will patch Apache 2.4.17 and release it again.
Thank you for your patience, and we hope that this resolves any issues that you may have had.
Hit us up in the comments or submit a ticket if you experience any further difficulty after the release this afternoon.