Please ensure to read the following message carefully as there is important information about MySQL and Automated process killers in relation to the cPanel 11.24 upgrade.
MySQL Root Password
With cPanel 11.24 now available, it is imperative to ensure that you have set your MySQL root password before upgrading to the latest version of cPanel. If you have previously skipped this step, you can set it now using the “MySQL Root Password” function in WebHost Manager. Failure to set a MySQL root password may cause database corruption on systems running MySQL 4.1 with InnoDB tables. Please set your MySQL root password as soon as possible to avoid any issues. Machines without a MySQL root password set allow access to any database by any user so it is imperative that a password is set as soon as possible.
If you have moved /root
If you have set root’s home directory to something other than /root, you will need to copy .my.cnf from root’s home directory to /root/my.cnf. In the future, this process will be automated.
Automated process killers
If you have a system in place that automatically kills processes taking up a lot of CPU time, you should disable them before running the cPanel update as the size of the update has triggered many of these systems. These process killers will kill updates or related process in the middle of the process and cause issues. If you have a failed update, you can force a re-update by running
/scripts/upcp -force
If you have already updated to cPanel 11.24 and experienced this problem please open a ticket at