-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 TSR-2013-0010 Announcement cPanel has released new builds for all public update tiers. These updates provide targeted changes to address security concerns with the cPanel & WHM product. These builds are currently available to all customers via the standard update system. cPanel has rated these updates as having security impact levels ranging from Minor to Important. Information on cPanel’s security ratings is available at http://go.cpanel.net/securitylevels. If your deployed cPanel & WHM servers are configured to automatically update when new releases are available, then no action is required. Your systems will update automatically. If you have disabled automatic updates, then we strongly encourage you to update your cPanel & WHM installations at your earliest convenience. RELEASES The following cPanel & WHM versions address all known vulnerabilities: * & Greater * & Greater * & Greater * & Greater The latest public releases of cPanel & WHM for all update tiers are available at http://httpupdate.cpanel.net. SECURITY ISSUE INFORMATION The cPanel security team and independent security researchers identified the resolved security issues. There is no reason to believe that these vulnerabilities have been made known to the public. As such, cPanel will only release limited information about the vulnerabilities at this time. Once sufficient time has passed, allowing cPanel & WHM systems to automatically update to the new versions, cPanel will release additional information about the nature of the security issues. This Targeted Security Release addresses 13 vulnerabilities in cPanel & WHM software versions 11.40, 11.38, 11.36, and 11.34. Additional information is scheduled for release on October 26, 2013. For information on cPanel & WHM Versions and the Release Process, read our documentation at: http://go.cpanel.net/versionformat -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJSZyKPAAoJEJUhvtyr2U3fLcIQAJmLHHagEBoUEFVopKgv3BWS d+7XcQJMU2IksalDQlziaPB+CDaBFHHvky9Jp9xK0U3AsPVpngrtyffnkUguKiNV bYBi8ZnjCUbQsFpFsf6RQqdA8cD0MIW7VKZb0EPAS50JzDvawKn+xXbSjzWbq1nB sCz88XG2mbOWGodgC8Oaz3f12vUVq/9B4UvmDfhzyiKHWuSobv/HdqZPNnoef9Cd olb+4SaFExud8MEBdZt3Bpj4dj7NrwtKHx4gFEwhfMidJVfU55F4A1QK7n2dyF1T UtWuKvrkVVHEu/dRrDa+/K+9BjD4nRVjuKesZG8tYGTE+D51LpSv9Y7rjLE/B8Wf DKjFSEOzEUD3nqqHdJ79CTxbZc8JX9xRyUj6zJp2Nr+y6GbnEe2vaOwssolGrZRt PJUyCg3aZpgoXarAazQ89IjHxPRYOvRUdHDASFpmS+W2dVyNsOk+h1SZPP0X9Ea1 7pBlSuqmhv+svnsJv3IkDJcz5mCDhKg6QaJ3uacSAGhzvGN2NKbRWG2HC99cg+s5 BnWsrpzzHivrrkijnODvJsWU4yTcWB/n00YyNATNncIzv7VYvrKBg8lr4/bc39ze czsJ0LWKJztnm6VU9q+KL5jZxNwiZmo/E5BOKcneNzOAQNplJ4wfcGQz0gW0zIUL 9e7Bl4gjCK+rxBrkcRP6 =jcyG -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----