Today cPanel announced its plans to attend WebhostingDay 2010, which is slated to take place in Bruehl, Germany from March 17 to 19. WebhostingDay is the premier European webhosting event.
2010 marks cPanel’s second year exhibiting at WebhostingDay. Staff from the Operations, Development, Technical Support, and Quality Assurance departments will participate. These knowledgeable personnel will be able to answer any questions attendees have about cPanel’s hosting automation software.
Experts on Enkompass, cPanel’s product for Microsoft® Windows® Server 2008, plan to discuss Enkompass’ RC0 release and its upcoming, commercially available RC1 release.
In addition, cPanel has put together a drawing for a VERY unique experience at the show. Stop by the cPanel booth to find out more!
“WebhostingDay gives us the opportunity to meet European hosting providers, and learn what they need to become more profitable,” said cPanel’s Eric Gregory. The cPanel staff pride themselves on delivering quality products that address the needs and desires of the webhosting industry as fully as possible.