
cPanel and Riazul Premium Tequila Plan to Flow Freely During cPanel Conference 2010 – Automation Bootcamp

 cPanel Conference 2010 – Automation Bootcamp is just days away, and we feel confident that this will be our best conference to date!

As the leader in web hosting automation software, and an industry trend setter, cPanel has joined forces with Riazul Premium Blue Agave Tequila for this year’s cPanel Conference.

Riazul not only makes a killer premium tequila, which will seriously make you re-evaluate every drink you’ve ever ordered at a bar, but their company culture and brand excitement closely mimics that of cPanel’s. This made Riazul the natural choice for cPanel Conference.

Riazul will exhibit at the cPanel Conference, and attendees will be able to learn about, and taste, Riazul’s entire product line, which comprises their Añejo, Silver, and Reposado tequilas.  And of course Riazul will participate “heavily” in this soon-to-be-famous after-hours events.

In true cPanel fashion, prepare to expect the unexpected. The cPanel team guarantees they will, not only provide a phenomenal educational experience to conference attendees, but ensure there will be a few over-the-top, Riazul-induced, events that will result in numerous business networking opportunities and an amazingly good time.

For more information, visit or follow Riazul at or find Riazul Premium Tequila on Facebook at