
cPanel Catches Lightning in a Conference

cPanel will unveil its Lightning Talks segment at cPanel Conference 2010 – Automation Bootcamp.

Does your company have an important announcement that you would like to share with cPanel Conference attendees?  Have you ever wanted to perform on “American Idol”–but never had the time?  Do you secretly wish to be a stand-up comedian?

If so, then our Lightning Talks are just what you need!  Attendees and/or exhibitors may sign up for a five-minute slot to discuss and/or present any topic of their liking. The sky is the limit!

If you wish to promote your brand, you may sign up for a slot but will only receive 90 seconds to present.

At the end of your designated time, ultimate Star Wars fan and one of our cPanel devs, Dan Muey, will prominently sound our official cPanel gong.  We cannot wait to hear what our attendees will come up with!

Speaking slots are limited, so sign up asap via our conference site at or at the Lightning Talks sign-up table at cPanel Conference!